Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

Our On-Line Lessons of Ge’ez (Ancient Ethiopic)

Learn Ge’ez with our On-Line Course, as many other brethren and sistren have done with profit.
Individual Lessons available during all the days of the week except Sabbath, we can schedule the hour according to your needs.
I will provide recapitulatory notes and schemes for each lesson in .pdf format.
To learn this language means much more than facing a grammatical study. It means to know the deepest mysteries of the Word as martial art, technic discipline and mystic practice; to philologically interpret the development of all human languages, originated from One common Ge’ez Arketype; to ovastand the concepts in immediate and onomatopoeic way; to take natural knowledge from ancestral words that are creationally reflected in nature.
If you are interested, write us:


No Vex Sin

The last masterpiece of Ras Ed Jones.

Trust in the Most High King and you will protected from this biting Dragon.

Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Sri Aurobindo – Important Indian Mystic

Poetical Work of Sri Aurobindo, important Indian mystic, inspirator of “Auroville”. Probably written during the Italo-Ethiopian War.

Ethiopia in the Bible

The Paradise of Adam

Ethiopia is the first country – still recognizable by its biblical name on our atlases – mentioned in the Bible, and this quotation occurs in its very first pages, those that describe the creation of the world and man, the origin of everything, the GENESIS.
In Genesis (chapter 2, 10-13), describing Paradise (“Gennete Edom” ገነተ ኤዶም, “Garden of Eden”, in Ge’ez), the prophet states: “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.. “
According to Genesis itself, chapter 10, Avila is nothing more than a daughter of Ethiopia, and therefore a region contiguous to Her and under Her.
It is also written in Genesis 2,8: “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.” Scripture is therefore describing the Oriental Africa, the Nile Valley in its two main ramifications (White Nile and Blue Nile) as the original heart of the First Earthly Kingdom, where God has placed the progenitors of the entire human race, Adam and Hewan, and the primeval home of mankind.
About this mystery, His Imperial Majesty said to Oriana Fallaci: “Ethiopia has existed for 3,000 years. In fact, it exists ever since man first appeared on earth.”
This is scientifically confirmed by all the archaeological and paleontological studies, which lead back to Ethiopia both the first hominid (Lucy, the Australopitecus Afarensis, called in this way as it was found in Afar, an Ethiopian region) and the oldest homo sapiens (from, coincidentally, the OMO Valley, in Ethiopia). Recent studies have also shown that Ethiopia contains all the genetic heritage of humanity and is therefore its natural historical origin. Both evolutionists and creationists must acknowledge Ethiopia as its GENESIS. Check the following pictures, with a scientific article about this, from an italian major newspaper, “La Repubblica”.
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2: 7). This passage indicates how the very essence of man, of every man who originated from Adam, is drawn from the land of Edom which is his same name, that is Ethiopia. We thus speak of the “Ethiopianess” of human nature, as a universal and basic racial concept for the knowledge of ourselves as one human race. This is why the prophet Jeremiah states:
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?” (Jeremiah 13:23)
Thus admitting that the Ethiopian skin is natural for the human species, as well as the spots for the leopard, and that it is an essential and eternal trait of man, way higher than the absolutely changing and relative concept of pigmentation and complexion.
“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: (Genesis 3, 19). From which soil was man taken, to which one he will necessarily have to return? Repatriation to Ethiopia sounds as inescapable and inevitable as death itself, in which we will be brought back to the black womb of the earth, since we come to light from the black womb of our mother. It is the much celebrated “Return to Earth” of these last times, as well as the necessary return to the black root that we visualize every day into our black sleep.
From the Christological point of view, this implies that Christ Himself, in his character as the Universal Father, Perfect Man and substitute of Adam for the purification of humanity from the sin committed, must be Ethiopian, in all respects equivalent to Adam:
“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (…) The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. (…) And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
(I Corinthians 15)
In fact, in the beginning Adam was created in the same image of God. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him” (Genesis 1, 27). Differently from western theology, Ethiopian theology teaches that even invisible spirits can have an image (Araya አርአያ), and Egziabhier got an Image, and on that Image Adam was created. In the first chapter of the Ethiopian Book of Mystery of Ghiorghis of Gasecha, this holy doctor shows how God biblically has hands, ears, feet, face, arms, and Adam was created in this likeness, both in his spirit and his body.
If Christ is “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature” (Colossians 1,15) therefore He must have the same exact image of Adam the Ethiopian, created in the likeness of an Ethiopian God.
Therefore, in view of the incarnation of the only Person of the Son in Christ, Jah said: “Behold, man has become like One of Us”. (Genesis 3, 22)
Ethiopia in Western Culture

Homer – The Iliad – 1

The divine glory of Ethiopia is clearly expressed in the “Iliad” of the greatest greek poet, Homer.
In Iliad Book 1 verses 423-425 Tethis speaks with Achilles her son, and suggests him to not join the war, and to wait few days the return of Zeus, that was not available at that time and could not help him:
Ζεὺς γὰρ ἐς Ὠκεανὸν μετ᾽ἀμύμονας Αἰθιοπῆας
χθιζὸς ἔβη κατὰ δαῖτα, θεοὶ δ᾽ἅμα πάντες ἕποντο
δωδεκάτῃ δέ τοι αὖτις ἐλεύσεται Οὔλυμπον δέ
“Zeus went yesterday to Oceanus, to the blameless Ethiopians for a feast, and all the gods followed with him; but on the twelfth day he will come back again to Olympus”.
Zeus, the head of all the greek gods, had the habit to spend his holydays in Ethiopia, to join Ethiopian banquets and feasts and cut off the rest of the world business for 12 days.
The coming down of Zeus in Ethiopia is an image of incarnation and coming of Christ.
Oceanus was also a Greek Divinity, he was traditionally represented with dark complexion and recognized as an Ethiopian (attached picture), and in the same Iliad (XIV, 201), Homer said about him:
Ὠκεανόν τε θεῶν γένεσιν / Okeanòn te Teòn Gènesin
“Oceanus the Genesis of the Gods”. Therefore, Ethiopia was declared as the original motherland of life.
The Ethiopians were “blameless”, and the Gods especially loved their sacrifices, their celebrations, their company. Therefore, they were declared by Homer as Chosen People of holiness.
That’s why the goddess Iris, again in the Iliad (XXIII, 205-207), is invited to join a greek feast, but she prefers the Ethiopians:
ἣ δ᾽αὖθ᾽ ἕζεσθαι μὲν ἀνήνατο, εἶπε δὲ μῦθον:
οὐχ ἕδος: εἶμι γὰρ αὖτις ἐπ᾽ Ὠκεανοῖο ῥέεθρα
Αἰθιόπων ἐς γαῖαν, ὅθι ῥέζουσ᾽ ἑκατόμβας
ἀθανάτοις, ἵνα δὴ καὶ ἐγὼ μεταδαίσομαι ἱρῶν.
“But she refused to sit, and spake saying: ‘I may not sit, for I must go back unto the streams of Oceanus, unto the land of the Ethiopians, where they are sacrificing hecatombs to the immortals, that I too may share in the sacred feast.’ “
Haile Selassie I - Teachings

The Wicked is just a Copy

“The rebels claimed to be promising reform. But I only ask you to look at their published declarations and program. They are only copies of what we are already doing for the development of the country”.

– H.I.M. Haile Selassie I –

(“Daily Colonist” Newspaper, 15th January 1961)


Cultural Shop

Photographic Posters and Prints

High Definition Photo-Posters 30×40 cm, with rare pics of HIM Haile Selassie I and Ra-Eye Original Artworks (Selam Semrete Selassie).


Cultural Shop

I&I T-Shirts with Original Graphic Artworks

Cotton T-shirts of high quality, S M L XL sizes available, 2 colors GRAY and DARK GREEN.

King Alpha and Queen Omega RA-EYE Artwork


Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Uk Evening Express, 17th of January 1941


It was a lovely night, the skies were blue and the moon shone with rare brilliance. I had the unique honour of listening to the Emperor Haile Selassie in his modestly furnished reception room in the ancient city of Bath.

How prophetic of the Black Emperor that he should choose Bath for his residence in Britain – a city made famous by the Romans for their baths.

It was in June of the last year, before Benito Mussolini, the destroyer of Abyssinia’s freedom, declared war on Britain.

The world knew nothing about the plans and intentions of the Emperor when he told me that:

‘The hour of my country’s liberation is coming and you will see me soon leaving this country.

Don’t think that I was wasting my time here pushing my bicycle on the streets of Bath all these days. My faithful rasses all over the country were carefully knitting a net of revolutionary activity, keeping the people informed about my doings here and their duty to their motherland.

I have received definitive news from Ras Kassa that my people are awaiting my arrival in the country with expectancy.

I will not rest until the last Italian is driven away from my country. I live and I die for the liberation of Ethiopia. I am confident that in less than a year I will ride on my snow-white charger at the head of my people and enter Addis Ababa.’ “

Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Indro Montanelli – Italian Journalist and Fascist Soldier – 1982

Interview with Enzo Biagi, taken from “1935 e dintorni”, E.Biagi, Mondadori 1982.

I feel a great admiration for the negus, a real man without doubts, and the abyssinians were very lovable people, they had never been our enemies, even during the conflict, everywhere we were welcomed with feasts“. (…)

I remember Haile Selassie as a man full of dignity, I knew him when I returned there: suspicious, smart, very shrewd, surely a head fitting for his country, that never accepted our offers. As you know, we wanted to give him a huge appanage, to make him king of Rhodes or one island in the Aegean Sea, that was surely easier than going to London in exile, poor, for he didn’t own exported money. Instead, he was able to keep his rank, his style, and above all he had this high merit: once returned in Addis Abeba, he started to protect the Italian people, he never felt any rancour.