“By decision of the Council of Foreign Ministers in London, met to prepare the Treaty of Peace with Italy, Ethiopia has been informed that along with the other states at War with Italy, she may have until October 1st, 1945, to submit in writing her views in regard of the settlement, so far as Ethiopia is concerned, although the decisions of the Conference must necessarily determine the provisions of the future treaty of Peace with Italy.
Ethiopia, the principal victim of Italian aggression, is permitted to submit written statements to the Conference in London in regard to territories of which she was robbed by Italian aggression, and the return of which is essential to afford Ethiopia the inherent right of all independent states, of access to the Sea. The enemy has been invited to the Conference and may receive such communications and furnish to the conference his comments thereon and replies thereto, but the principal victim of the enemy’s aggression may not have the privilege of replying to or furnishing explanations in regard to the points raised by her written communications.
The small nations of the world must be accorded a fair opportunity of representation in regard to decisions affecting their soil and future if there is to be hoped for a peace founded upon the principles of justice.
Ethiopia as the principal victim of Italian aggression and cruelties, as the state whose faith in and devotion to the ideals of collective security were so tragically belied, has no choice but to make her voice heard in protest against such exclusion which she considers an injustice. After ten years of incredible sufferings and losses, the small states of the world have the right to rely upon the principle so recently and solemnly consecrated of developing ‘friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination’.” #QHS
24th of August 1945
(Taken from “Eritrea and Benadir”, The Ethiopian Press and Information Department, Addis Abeba)