It is surely true that “however old the version may be, in whatever language it may be written, the Word remains one and the same. It transcends all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race. It is eternal.” His Majesty has taught about the power of the Word of God to communicate its spiritual message of salvation beyond any human or historical corruption or falsification. In this perspective, we can use and read any possible version or language of the Bible and find truth for ourselves.
Yet, the King also told us that “the Holy Book should not be cut into portions“, and we have to obey the totality of the precepts – not only one – and watch both sides of each question.
In 1936, from the rostrum of Geneva, before the League of Nations, His Majesty said in french, his first teaching to the rebellious nations:
“Je prie l’Assemblée de M’excuser si Je ne M’exprime pas in français comme Je l’aurais voulu. “
“I pray the Assembly to forgive Me, If I do not express myself in french, as I would like.”
“Je dirai mieux toute Ma pensée, avec toute la force de Mon esprit et de Mon coeur, en parlant en langue amharique.”
“I would say better my thought, by all the strength of my spirit and heart, speaking in amharic language.”
When He speaks foreign languages, the power of His expression is not full. He speaks the fullness through ethiopian language only. Foreign translation is just a replica of the arketype. On that occasion, He spoke unto all of the Nations in Amharic, even if many of them did not know Amharic language. And He did the same on all the official occasions of his political ministry, as the imperial protocol prescibed to always express first the fullness of the ethiopian dignity in mother tongue, and then to allow a foreign translation.
In the Amharic version of His Majesty’s speech we find the original Tongue of that Word, for His Majesty has originally conceived that thought in Amharic, before speaking in french. And this version is naturally different and more precise than the french one:
ነገር ግን አሳቤን በመንፈሴ ኃይል ሁሉ ከልቤ ለመናገር የሚቻለኝ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ስለሆነ
Neger Gen Asabien BeMenfesiè Hayl Hulu KeLebiè LeMennager Yemitchallegn Bamarigna Qwanqwa Selehone
“But it is in Amharic language that I am able to speak my thought from my heart with all the power of my spirit.”
But / Neger Gen
it is / Selehone
in Amharic language / BeAmarigna Qwanqwa
that I am able / Yemitchallegn
to speak / LeMennager
my thought / Asabien
from my heart / Kelebiè
with all the power of my spirit / BeMenfesiè Hayl Hullu
Therefore, it is true that we can get biblical spiritual wisdom from any version, nevertheless we need Ethiopian original version and mother tongue, as God has originally thought that word in that tongue, to acquire BIBLICAL SCIENCE and precise full overstanding of its expression. When we have the original and we follow the natural order of manifestation, then we can fully apprecilove and understand even the copy, that can extend our imagination and develop the original insight.
“I would tell a person who was considering the claim of Christ for the first time that it is necessary to have faith in the Almighty, that it is necessary to have love, and that it is necessary to conduct oneself in a manner that we have been taught to do in the Bible. I would also advise him to seek the secular knowledge, for the more one knows the more he realises…”
After the universal necessity to obey the Bible and its fundamental spiritual common meanings, then He advised to acquire knowledge of world and humanity in this time, hence of human languages and historical translations of the Bible, to perfect our spiritual realization. In english we call it Bible like Babel, so we know there’s some linguistic confusion we must purify.
We should follow the divine advice. Too many times the merciful words of His Majesty are quoted to justify ignorance. Let them listen with both their 2 ears and take heed.
Both Bob Marley and Vaughn Benjamin ended to identify with an Ethiopian Name. The prophecy says that we shall speak only one Ethiopian Language at the end, as it was in the beginning before Babylon Tower:
“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.” (Zephaniah 3,9-10)
And among the Constitutional Laws of the Kingdom of God, we have:
“The official language of the Empire is Amharic” (Art. 125)
Then we will study that language, we will speak that language and will have our own biblical translations from that original language, better than King James’ and Roman Popes. This is a truly royal thing and a fulfillment of His Majesty’s example.