Ethiopia in the Bible

The Book of Henok

According to Ethiopian Tradition, in the beginning of humanity there was no written word, and the first prophet and father, Adam the Ethiopian, gave his prophetical teaching orally only, without writing any book.
The first to receive the gift of Scripture and the knowledge of the Letters, and therefore to be the first scribe ever, was Henok the Ethiopian, heir of Adam the Ethiopian as sovereign of the earth, that came through the 7th generation of men.
The Book of Enoch is the first form of literature that has been manifested among human beings, and chrologically it is the first Book of The Ethiopian Bible. In fact, before the books of Moses, two scriptures were given to Mankind: the Book of Enok and the Book of Yob, son of Esaw.
In Jubilees 4:16-18 it is written about Enok:
“he called his name Enoch. And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom (…) And he was the first to write a testimony.”
Therefore, according to the Ethiopian Tradition, the Bible, i.e. the Word of the God, constitutes the first Book of Humanity, pre-dating any other human book, Egyptian or whatever. That’s why Emperor Haile Selassie I stated:
“We regard the Bible above all other books”
The Book of Enoch has been excluded by the biblical canon of all the Christian Churches of the earth, except the Ethiopian Orthodox. The integral text of the book is kept in Ethiopic Ge’ez only. We know that he was considered as canonical by many important apostolic fathers of Church, even latin ones (like Tertullian, that wrote a specific apologia about it), and it is explicitly mentioned and quoted by the Apostle Jude (1,14-15) – brother of the Lord as son of Joseph from his previous marriage – like a part of the Bible he knew and recognized at that time:
“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.'”
This passage was literally taken from Enoch 1:9. Indeed, the book of Enok is quoted several other times in the Gospels and in the words of the Apostles, and it is the main and oldest apocalictic reference of the Revelation of John about the “millennium” of the royal kingdom of the Messiah upon earth, described in Revelation chapter 20. With the romanization of faith and the politically motivated refusal of the doctrine of millenarism (that was considered dangerous for the stability of Roman kingdoms), the book of Henok suddenly disappeared, like the prophet himself, about whom it is written: “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found” (Hebrews 11, 5).
The presence of this Book within the Ethiopian Canon declares the Ethiopian Bible as the only complete version of the Bible, and also the oldest. On the contrary, the absence of the first book of the Bible in any other biblical tradition proclaims it guilty, as it is written:
“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22,19)
Enoch was taken by God and translated into heaven, to see the ark-typical ark-anes by which Egziabhier created everything, i.e. the Letters. He therefore learned the Science of the Ladders ( ሰዋስው Sewas(e)w ), as we call the vocabulary Book of the Ladders. It is the same concept of the scales for musical theory, like a tool to go up and down in expression and declension of semantics.
Henok was the son of the patriarch Yared, whose name means “comes down”, from the ge’ez verb “Werede” ወረደ. As it is written in Jubilees 4,14:
“and he called his name Jared; for in his days the angels of the Lord descended on the earth, those who are named the Watchers”.
The Book of Enoch explains the backstory of the deluge, when the Vigilant Angels came down upon the earth and taught secret magic knowledges to the people, that went crazy and corrupted their customs. The Vigilants also took human women and had sex with them, procreating the monstrous forbidden hybrid of the Giants, therefore forcing Egziabhier to exterminate everyone except 8 souls, the family of Noah, grandson of Henok.
In a time when the rebellious angels were to teach magical and hidden arts to the immature mankind, because of His Holiness Henok has received the secrets of the Supreme Art of Word, that he knew in the fullness of its states: Thought, Spoken, Written. Through this Original Creative Art, Egziabhier created the world; through this Ultimate Martial Art, Egziabhier will destroy the world.
The existence of the Book of Enoch, that was Ethiopian in race like the first man, only among the Ethiopians, only in Ethiopian language, confirms that the original language of Adam, spoken until the Tower of Babylon, was ethiopian, and only through Ethiopian Tradition we can acquire that original knowledge, as it written:
“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.” (Zephenya 3,9)
Henok is also known by the Egyptian culture as “Tut” the first scribe, having the shape of an Ibis, because of his long peak like a pen. The muslim people recognize him as Hanuk or Idrissa. Idrissa recalls the name by which He is known among the Greek, “Hermes TRISmegistus” (Thrice Great).
Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

The Chicago Defender – 8th of November 1930

The oldest kingdom in the world has just crowned its 334th ruler. Sunday, at daybreak, the coronation ceremony that made Ras Tafari Makonnen Emperor Haile Selassie I, Lord King of Kings of Ethiopia, Conquering Lion of Judah and the elect of God, was performed amid the splendors of the old world that transformed this city of 60.000 into something approaching a page from the ‘Arabian Nights’.
It was such a scene that has not been witnessed in many centuries in Africa, and rarely if ever before in any other part of the world.
By this ceremony, that has its beginning three weeks ago, when the new ruler with his wife, Princess Waziru Menen, opened into the ancient period of prayer that has marked the coronation of new Ethiopian rulers for centuries past.
Then, following a series of ceremonies of lesser importance, the ras and his princess prepared themselves Saturday afternoon for an all night vigil in the Cathedral of St. George, where they remained in one long, continuous prayer for strength to rule their people justly, until the break of dawn Sunday morning when, led by the priests and high priests of the kingdom, Ras Tafari and Princess Waziru passed through a long line of bowing subjects to the newly built coronation hall where the Coptict archbishop of Ethiopia placed a crown of gold and jewels upon the head of Ras Tafari.
‘This crown shall be the crown of thy glory’, chanted the archbishop in a clear voice and in the picturesque language of Ethiopia, and the emperor answered, ‘I am the least of thy brehren’.
Absolute quiet reigned throughout the town during the ceremony, Although 300,000 souls had crowded into a territory that normally housed and fed just 60,000, there was the peace and quiet of an ordinary Sunday morning. The voices of the archbishop and the emperor could be heard clearly by the throng outside the hall (none but priests and high officials of state were admitted to the ceremony). Then when the last word was spoken, and the new emperor, mighty ruler of the Lions of Judah, arose from his kneeling position before the altar, a mighty cheer went up that rebounded against the three hills upon which Addis Ababa is situated,, 8.000 feet above sea level, and sent roaring echoes into the jungle. Cymbals and drums that had remained quiet during the ceremony took up their jubilant heating, and voices once again resumed their hurrahs for their master.
Out upon a raised platform, the emperor greeted his subjects in the order of their importance. First came the rasses of Ethiopia’s 30 states, many of whom were bowing in complete submission to the King of Kings of Ethiopia for the first time in their lives. Then came the priests and other high churchmen, followed by dignitaries of foreign countries. The Duke of Gloucester, son of the king of England, led the delegations of foreign countries. (…)
Ethiopia is one of the most unique and picturesque countries of the world. The country is believed to have been founded more than 2.000 years before the birth of Christ. The reigning house of which Ras Tafari comes was founded, according to authentic history, when the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon to seek advice from him about the country.”
Haile Selassie I - Teachings

OFFICIAL NOTICE – Ethiopia’s position on contiguous ex-Italian colonies – August 1945

“By decision of the Council of Foreign Ministers in London, met to prepare the Treaty of Peace with Italy, Ethiopia has been informed that along with the other states at War with Italy, she may have until October 1st, 1945, to submit in writing her views in regard of the settlement, so far as Ethiopia is concerned, although the decisions of the Conference must necessarily determine the provisions of the future treaty of Peace with Italy.
Ethiopia, the principal victim of Italian aggression, is permitted to submit written statements to the Conference in London in regard to territories of which she was robbed by Italian aggression, and the return of which is essential to afford Ethiopia the inherent right of all independent states, of access to the Sea. The enemy has been invited to the Conference and may receive such communications and furnish to the conference his comments thereon and replies thereto, but the principal victim of the enemy’s aggression may not have the privilege of replying to or furnishing explanations in regard to the points raised by her written communications.
The small nations of the world must be accorded a fair opportunity of representation in regard to decisions affecting their soil and future if there is to be hoped for a peace founded upon the principles of justice.
Ethiopia as the principal victim of Italian aggression and cruelties, as the state whose faith in and devotion to the ideals of collective security were so tragically belied, has no choice but to make her voice heard in protest against such exclusion which she considers an injustice. After ten years of incredible sufferings and losses, the small states of the world have the right to rely upon the principle so recently and solemnly consecrated of developing ‘friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination’.#QHS
24th of August 1945
(Taken from “Eritrea and Benadir”, The Ethiopian Press and Information Department, Addis Abeba)