Haile Selassie I - Teachings Haile Selassie I - Video

From “The Lion and the Cross” – 1963 US Documentary

INTERVIEWER: “Your Majesty, what in your opinion are Ethiopia’s greatest needs?”
HIM: “We have already begun the program most essential for Ethiopia, that is to raise the standard of living of her people through education and better health. These would be the primary objectives. The remaining needs will not be forgotten and will also be taken care of.”
INTERVIEWER: “Your Majesty has taken a personal interest and a personal hand almost in every phase of life in Ethiopia, but does Your Majesty not sometimes grow weary, and perhaps feel that this all too much work for one man”.
HIM: “This is really not significant. One individual naturally cannot shoulder the responsibility of a whole nation. We have already told this to our ministers and government officials. Our main objective in the administration of the affairs of 22 million people is that all should cooperate and share responsibility. This has always been our program and will continue to be our program. Our wish is to serve our country as an Ethiopian. It is our conviction that the administration of the country should not depend on one person, but is rather the concern of all, each in his own way must help his country.”
INTERVIEWER: “What does Your Majesty learn from the attempted coup d’etat?”
HIM: “You can say that they have learned from us, those who attempted the coup d’etat. There is nothing that we have learned from them. If you examine their demands you will find we have already started these reforms. We would have been delighted to learn something new from them.”
INTERVIEWER: “Does Your Majesty see Ethiopia emerging as a leader or perhaps even the leader of Africa ?”
HIM: “Ethiopia does not have any intention of being the leader of Africa as such. It hopes to live harmoniously with all its African sister countries. How long did the american confederation take to become united ? I believe you even fought a war about it.”
INTERVIEWER: “Would Your Majesty care to say a few words in english” ?
HIM: “My English is very poor. The most critical issue that has felt (?) the world in recent times was the Cuba-US conflict. The statemanship and wisdom of Prime Minister Khrushchev has greatly helped to ease the situation. We’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate both President Kennedy and President Premier Khrushchev as well as Secretary General U Thant.”
Haile Selassie I - Teachings Italo-Ethiopian War

Ethiopia the Last Citadel of Collective Security – 1936

“Do the peoples of the world not yet realize that by fighting on until the bitter end I am not only performing my sacred duty to my people but standing guard in the last citadel of collective security ? Are they too blind to see that I have responsibilities to the whole of humanity to face ? I must still hold on until my tardy allies appear. And if they never come, then I say prophetically and without bitterness the west will perish.” #QHS
April 1936
I&I Rasta

Rastafari is based on Christ and the Bible

The day when even Mutabaruka was an orthodox prophet.


Ethiopia - Land, People and Customs

Ethiopia Speaks His Own African Language

No colonial language for Ethiopia.
That is the logic foundation of freedom.
Babylon is confusion of language.

Ethiopian Orthodox Church Visional Artworks

Qeddus Mikaièl Killed Nazi-Fascism

Damnation of the wicked… Hitler and Mussolini in Hell.
On the top of this Ethiopian icon of Imperial Time, it is written:
Saint Michael Chief of the Angels, as He killed the dragon of the pagans.
On the bottom with find the names in ethiopic translitteration of the two wicked ones (Hitler ህትለር; Mussolini ሙሶሊኒ).
On the bottom right, we also find: “Duce and Hitler enter the Sea of Fire” (Revelation of John 20,10).
I&I Rasta

No Nuclear War

INTEVIEWER: “Why did you write the song “No Nuclear War?”

TOSH:The situation the world is in. The world is being held ransom by what they call two superpowers. Seen? Russia and the United States. And as defender of the universe, I don’t hope to or intend to sit down and play dumb. I am a spokesman for the Almighty. When I speak, it’s just a warning, ’cause He will not speak. He will take planes out of the air like the one that happened last night and they don’t know what caused it. And lots of tornadoes and disasters that guys cannot investigate. So, because of the disaster and destruction that lies ahead in my Father’s kingdom and work that has to be done, it is my duty to let them know, irrespective of how destructive they think they are, they are not as destructive as the Almighty.

Ancient Ras Peter Tosh, Interview with Christ Boyle 1987.

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Ethiopian Wise Kidane Welde Keflie Ge’ez-Amharic Dictionary – 1955

From a very important Ge’ez-Amharic dictionary, printed under the imperial government in Ethiopia, in 1955, and written by Aleqa Kidane Weld Keflie. At the beginning of the book we find the picture of the King with a short Ge’ez composition:
Qedamawi Hadziè Hayle Selassie
N(e)guse Negest ZeItyoppya
Iyfeq(e)d Yn(e)g(e)rwo
G(e)(e)zo LeSeb(e) G(e)(e)z
(E)sme Lelihu Yeamro ::
His Majesty Qedamawi Hayle Selassie
King of Kings of Ethiopia
Doesn’t want that one would tell Him
the Coscience of Men Ge’ez
For He Himself knows it ::
It is a literal adaptation from the Ge’ez Bible, from the Gospel of John 2:25 speaking about Christ:
Iyfeqd Yngrwo G(e)(e)’zo LeSeb(e) (E)sme Lelihu Yaamro LeSeb(e) ::
which King James Version translates in this way:
“And He needed not that any should testify of man: for He knew what was in man.”
He knows the conscience of man (that is another meaning of Ge’ez, like the word used for the language) and no one shall educate HIM in this respect. By this statement, the ethiopian scholar is attributing to His Majesty the same supreme wisdom of Christ.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Triune Fasting

Trinity of Fasting
ይጹም፡ዓይን። Ytzum Ayn / The Eye shall fast
ይጹም፡ልሳን። Ytzum L(e)san / The Tongue shall fast
እዝንኒ፡ይጹም፡እምሰሚዓ፡ሕሡም። (E)zn(e)ni Ytzum EmSemi’a H(e)sum / The Ear too shall fast from hearing vile things.
Spiritual Poetry

Learn and Teach

“It is not enough for the children of Ethiopia to be recipients of education. They should never forget that the responsibility for passing on this knowledge to others and of handing it over to the next generation rests on them.”
(Selected Speeches p.8 )
“Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
(Deuteronomy 11, 18-19)
Don#’t be wise
with yourself only
share the light
if you have something
to do it right
for your brethren
how much might
received in schooling
now should write
return the service
teach your eye
reciprocate it
with another guy
kingdom in shaping
especially the child
youths need aiding
heritage to refine
a quality of races.
I&I Rasta

Ganjah Tree of Life, Healing of the Nations

“Herb is the healing of the nation. In Revelation, it shows you that the leaves are for healing of the nation. It’s found in the midst of the vineyard, in the midst of Zion. It’s called the Tree of Life. And Rastafarians analyze this Tree of Life as herb, as the ganja, because it has so many qualities. It’s the king of plants. It has all the qualities that every other plant has, and it has qualities that no other plant has.”
Ancient Ras Bunny Wailer, Interview with Roger Steffens, 1994