Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Triune Fasting

Trinity of Fasting
ይጹም፡ዓይን። Ytzum Ayn / The Eye shall fast
ይጹም፡ልሳን። Ytzum L(e)san / The Tongue shall fast
እዝንኒ፡ይጹም፡እምሰሚዓ፡ሕሡም። (E)zn(e)ni Ytzum EmSemi’a H(e)sum / The Ear too shall fast from hearing vile things.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Abune Yesehaq about the Title of “Light of the World”

“Haile Selassie I was the first Ethiopian king known as Light of the World – in fact, Rastafarians note very carefully that the title belongs to Christ and therefore justifies their argument regarding who the returned Messiah is.”
– Abuna Yesehaq, The Ethiopian Tewahedo Church: An Integrally African Church, page 220.