Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

The Eagle the Fourth Beast

“Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. (…) And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.” (Daniel 7:23-28)

“And after this, the night after I saw in dream an eagle that was going up from the sea (…) ‘The eagle that you saw going up from the sea is the fourth kingdom that appeared in dream to Daniel your brother (…) Days come when will be on the earth a kingdom that is more terrible than all those that came before it. (…) The lion that you have seen waking up in the forest, roaring and speaking to the eagle, blaming it for its injustice, is the Messiah, that the Most High has kept for the last days, that came out from the seed of David.” (Apocalypse of Esdras, 11:1 / 12:10-13 / 12:31-32)

“Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed (…) And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.” (Luke 17:30-37)

Haile Selassie I - Teachings

It Is Better To Give Than To Receive

“Wise men have always known the deep and pervading truth that it is better to give than to receive, for even as it conflicts with selfish and ambitious desires, it moderates and controls them.”

QHS Selected Speeches p. 46

“It is better to give than to receive” is a precept of Iyesus Krstòs that is not written in His Gospels, but revealed by Saint Paul in the Acts of the Apostles (20:35), as he says: “to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’.”

Even if I egoistically desire pleasure and joy and success for myself, to give is more convenient than receive, cause it paves the way to actual satisfaction and reward from God and for eternity. Therefore, it always control selfish desire: it pervades and invades the space usually occupied by the wicked, cause if you really egoistically love yourself, then you serve the Living God and live, otherwise you die.

Our true happiness, wealth, power and pleasure is kept by God, not by the sinful ways of this world, and from Him we will receive. If the wicked played some illusory part about in the past, now his dominion is completely over with the coming of the Kingdom. Now, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”, He conquered and freed the land occupied by the wicked (wordly flesh) and He is master above the spiritual as well as the material happiness and success of men.


Ethiopian Icons

The Burial Of Christ

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wash and embalm the body of the Lord, using Myrrh and Aloes (John 19,39), envelop it in a linen shroud with spices, as it had been prophecied by the Scripture:

“All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia” (Psalm 45,8)

Five wise virgins (nuns of Christ) weep for His death: Maryam Mother of God, Mary of Magdala, Mary of Cleophas, Mary of Bethany (sister of Lazarus), and Salome. It is thus realized the gospel parable:

“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise” … “bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut” (Matthew 25). They are considered spiritual wives of Christ.

Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

He Inherited the Throne of David His Father

“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
Luke 1, 31-33
“Since it is the long-standing custom that when a King, the Shepherd of his people, shall die, a King replaces him, I being upon the seat of David to which I was betrothed, will, by God’s charity, watch over you. Trader, trade ! Farmer, plough ! I shall govern you by the law and ordinance that has come to me, handed down from my fathers”.
Qedamawi Haile Selassie, after the death of Empress Zawditu, April 1930
Ethiopian Orthodox Church

The 14 Sufferings of the Cross

፲ ወ ፬ ፡ ሕማማተ ፡ መስቀል ።
The 14 Sufferings of the Cross

1) Capture – Te(e)hazot ተእኀዞት

– Christ was arrested at 9:00 PM of Thursday (the third hour of the night of Friday, according to traditional counting). He died at the 3:00 PM of Friday (the ninth hour of that day), thus facing an agony of about 18 hours.

2) Back Binding – Teasrote Dehrit ተአስሮተ ፡ ድኅሪት ፡

– His hands were tied behind the back. They also tied 5 ropes around His neck, and by those they pulled and dragged Him in the places of His passion.

3) Slapping of the Jaw – Tetzef’ote Melthat ተጸፍዖተ ፡ መልታሕት ፡

– He was slapped 41 times, in turn, by the Jews, that willingly lost many times their counting, and had him in derision.

4) Flagellation of the Back – Teqeshfote Zeban ተቀሥፎተ ፡ ዘባን ፡

– He was whipped with 41 slashes (the Law of Moses set a maximum of 40) and all the bones of His body were exposed.

5) Spoliation of dress – Te’arqote Lebs ተዐርቆተ ፡ ልብስ ፡

– He was completely naked, though the icons desplay Him with covered genitals for respect.

6) Crown of thorns – Aklile Shok አክሊለ ፡ ሦክ ፡

– He was crowned with a crown having 70 thorns. They placed it above His head, and hammered down it against His head.

7) Plumming of the head – Tekwer’ote Rees ተኰርዖተ ፡ ርእስ ፡

– He was beaten by staff and iron 6666 times

8 ) Bearing the cross – Tzewire Mesqel ጸዊረ ፡ መስቀል ፡

– The Lord bore the vertical staff of the Cross, the “trunk”: it represented Divinity. The horizontal staff was borne by Simon of Cyrenes, and represented Humanity. The Cross was made of 8 different woods, mainly fig tree, but also vine and olive tree.

9) Weakness – Dekam ድካም

10) Falling (3 times) – Wediq ወዲቅ

– When He fell down, the Jews trampled him and walked over His body.

11) Drinking Vinegar with Bile – Sheribe B(e)hie Mesle Hamot ሠሪበ ፡ ብሒእ ፡ ምስለ ፡ ሐሞት ፡

– They gave Him to drink vinegar with elephant bile.

12) Crucifixion – S(e)q(e)let ስቅለት

– He was crucified with 5 nails: two for His hands, one for both His feet, one to merge together the two staffs of the cross, one to sustain the tablet above His head. The 5 nails are called Sador, Alador, Denet, Adera and Rodas. These names are the same of the famous latin magic palindrome: SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS.

– He was perforated with 5 wounds: hands, feet, and side.

– He was crucified on Golgotha, where there was the tomb of Adam, and from where God took the soil to create Him (Elda). He was crucified among two thieves (Diemàs and Ghiestà), the first was pagan and the second was jew. The first converted and was saved, the second was damned.

13) Thirst of Water – Tzema May ጽምአ ፡ ማይ ፡

14) Dieing – Mewit መዊት ፡

– Dieing as an ordinary man, the Lord came down into Siòl (Hell) for 3 hours, and had Satan undergo tremendous tortures and sufferings: he freed the spirits of the fathers, kept as prisoners by the wicked, and entered with them into the Paradise at the sunset of Friday.

From the Cross, He pronounced 7 words:

1) “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
2) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
3) “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
4) “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
5) “Woman, here is your son…Here is your mother.”
6) “I am thirsty.”
7) “It is finished.”

7 Terrible Signs were manifested:

1) The sun darkened
2) The moon turned into blood
3) The stars shone
4) The veil of the temple was cut
5) The earth was shaken
6) The tombs opened up.
7) The dead rose again.


Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

The Icon of Christ Pantocrator from Mount Sinai

A picture of the King in Italy, on his first visit to the country, under Mussolini’s Government in 1924 (LEFT), and an Icon of Christ Pantocrator (Emperor), discovered in the Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai (RIGHT), where Moses saw the Face of God.
That Icon is one of the most ancient we have of Christ (6th century A.D.), it is absolutely strange (short hair) and particularly depicts the Messiah in His royal manifestation. It is absolutely THE SAME physiognomy, even for general lines, robes, posture.
It was discovered in 1930, year of Coronation.
The christian iconist for sure had seen the picture of His Majesty before…
I&I Rasta

Rastafari is based on Christ and the Bible

The day when even Mutabaruka was an orthodox prophet.


Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Ethiopian Wise Kidane Welde Keflie Ge’ez-Amharic Dictionary – 1955

From a very important Ge’ez-Amharic dictionary, printed under the imperial government in Ethiopia, in 1955, and written by Aleqa Kidane Weld Keflie. At the beginning of the book we find the picture of the King with a short Ge’ez composition:
Qedamawi Hadziè Hayle Selassie
N(e)guse Negest ZeItyoppya
Iyfeq(e)d Yn(e)g(e)rwo
G(e)(e)zo LeSeb(e) G(e)(e)z
(E)sme Lelihu Yeamro ::
His Majesty Qedamawi Hayle Selassie
King of Kings of Ethiopia
Doesn’t want that one would tell Him
the Coscience of Men Ge’ez
For He Himself knows it ::
It is a literal adaptation from the Ge’ez Bible, from the Gospel of John 2:25 speaking about Christ:
Iyfeqd Yngrwo G(e)(e)’zo LeSeb(e) (E)sme Lelihu Yaamro LeSeb(e) ::
which King James Version translates in this way:
“And He needed not that any should testify of man: for He knew what was in man.”
He knows the conscience of man (that is another meaning of Ge’ez, like the word used for the language) and no one shall educate HIM in this respect. By this statement, the ethiopian scholar is attributing to His Majesty the same supreme wisdom of Christ.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Abune Yesehaq about the Title of “Light of the World”

“Haile Selassie I was the first Ethiopian king known as Light of the World – in fact, Rastafarians note very carefully that the title belongs to Christ and therefore justifies their argument regarding who the returned Messiah is.”
– Abuna Yesehaq, The Ethiopian Tewahedo Church: An Integrally African Church, page 220.
Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

Anointed and Crowned By The Holy Spirit

“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him”
Isaiah 11, 1