Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Symbology Of The Ethiopian Imperial Crest

In the center, the Throne of David: it is marked by the six pointed star, representing the Old Covenant and the sovereignity of Israel, and by the Cross of Christ over the Globe, representing the New Covenant and the expansion among the Gentiles.
On the seatback it is written the prophecy of David (Psalm 68:31) ኢትዮጵያ ፡ ታበጽሕ ፡ እደዊሃ ፡ ኀበ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ። Ityoppya Tabetzeh Eddewiha habe Egziabhier :: literally: “Ethiopia shall make her hands reach unto Egziabhier”, commonly translated as “Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands unto God”.
On the right side of the throne, the left for the one who reads, we have Mikaiel, representing the Seraphim, the right hand authority of God and His terrible judgment (the scale). The cross is marked on the chest of Mikaiel, for He defeated Satan after his primordial rebellion, beating him by a Cross of Light.
On the other side of the throne, we have Gebrièl, representing the Cherubim, forgiveness and mercy. He announced the birth of Christ to Maryam, bringing to her a lilly, and similarly here he carries a palm, symbol of paradise and glorification.
On the lower part, the Lion of Judah, representing Christ in His resurrected victorious Character, that He had to manifest fully in His Second Coming as King upon the throne of David, according to the prophetical scriptures. The passage of the Revelation of John (5:5) is thus reported: ሞዓ፡አንበሳ፡ዘእምነገደ፡ይሁዳ። Moa Anbesa ZeEmneggede Yhuda :: “The Lion from the Tribe of Judah has prevailed”.
On the upper part, the Imperial crown covering and overshadowing everything like an umbrella tent, as universal sovereignty of God watching and ruling over His Kingdom.
Above the Throne, the Tablets of Moses and the Book represent the revelation of Egziabhier, the Law and the Bible that set and guide the Royalty of David.
Around the Book, three letters express a very deep and precious meditation. አ፡ወ፡ኦ “A WE O”. This is a quotation from Revelation 22,13: አነ፡ውእቱ፡አልፋ፡ወኣ፡አነ፡ቀዳማዊ፡ወአነ፡ደኃራዊ፡ርእስ፡ወማኅለቅት። “Ane Weetu Alfa WeO Ane Qedamawi WeAne Deharawi Rees WeMaheleqt”. “I am Alfa and O, I the First and I the Last, the Head and the End.” Here is expressed the mystery of the 2 comings of Christ, and the duality of His Nature (Lamb and Lion, God and Man) embracing and reconciling every polarity. It is also the fullness of His dispensation we keep and revere from the first chapter to the last, from Genesis to Revelation.
Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

He Inherited the Throne of David His Father

“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
Luke 1, 31-33
“Since it is the long-standing custom that when a King, the Shepherd of his people, shall die, a King replaces him, I being upon the seat of David to which I was betrothed, will, by God’s charity, watch over you. Trader, trade ! Farmer, plough ! I shall govern you by the law and ordinance that has come to me, handed down from my fathers”.
Qedamawi Haile Selassie, after the death of Empress Zawditu, April 1930
Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

Chosen Like David

“From the age of seven, when he first started to read and write well in Amharic, Lij Tafari seems to have become aware that he would one day succeed Menelik on the throne of the King of Kings. It must have been premonition, for there was no logical reason why he should assume that such an august elevation would be awaiting him”.
(Taken from “Haile Selassie. The Conquering Lion”, L.Mosley, 1964)
I am little among my brethren ::
And youthful in the house of my father ::
And I graze the sheeps of my father ::
My hands make a masinqo ::
My fingers prepare a psaltery ::
And who shall speak unto my Lord ? ::
He is Egziabhier and He has heard me ::
He has sent His angel and freed me ::
And He took me from the sheeps of my father ::
And anointed me with holy oil ::
Yet my brethren were beautiful and adult ::
And Egziabhier wasn’t pleased in them ::
(Psalm 151)
David speaks about himself in this Psalm, as prophetical allegory of the life of Christ.
He was the youngest son of Jesse, devoted to the grazing of his sheep, and “there was no logical reason why he should assume that such an august elevation would be awaiting him“.
His Majesty was the youngest son of Ras Mekonnen (“I am little among my brethren, And youthful in the house of my father“)
Ras Mekonnen was the Governor of Harar, he was not in line to become Emperor and his Son was so destined to provincial Governorship (“And I graze the sheeps of my father“)
Nevertheless, history brought Him to sit on the central throne of the King of Kings (“And He took me from the sheeps of my father, And anointed me with holy oil”).
His Majesty also declared Himself as prophetical fulfillment of that Psalm, as He said:
“We thank Almighty God that We have been spared to witness the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the victory over Fascism. In the words of David: ‘The Lord heard my voice; He sent his angel from on high, and He delivered me from my enemies’.”