Haile Selassie I - Testimonies HIM Visits USA 1954

Daily Princetonian (US) – 1954

Daily Princetonian, 28th of May 1954:


Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, arrives in Princeton for a short visit at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. The Princeton tour is a part of a 50-day trip to the United States by the noted ruler, who is making his first appearance in this country.

While in Princeton, His Imperial Majesty will view the traditional landmarks on Campus and the Garrett Collection of manuscripts in the Library. At 3:30 a reception in his honor will be held in the Faculty Lounge of the Library.

Arriving in this country last Tuesday, the African ruler thanked President Eisenhower on Wednesday for economic aid to his country. Tomorrow Harlem will greet him, and on Tuesday, June 1, a parade will be held on lower Broadway.

During his stay, Haile Selassie will continue to publicize his country’s untapped resources in hope of getting more investors. American capital has been used extensively in Ethiopia in an effort to bring industry to the nation.

The 62-year-old emperor is well known for his appeal to the League of Nations for economic and military sanctions against Italian aggression before World War II.

In 1938 he said, ‘The League is digging its grave. Is it to end its own existence by tearing up the covenant, which is its sole reason for existence ?’

Following the war he invited Italian prisoners of war to stay in Ethiopia so that their technical talents might be utilized.

The Emperor’s official title since taking the throne in 1930 is: His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Elect of God, King of Kings, King of Zion, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Branch of the Tree of Solomon, and Implement of the Holy Trinity.

The potentate’s party, 25 in number, will remain in Princeton for approximately two hours before motoring to New York. The American visit terminates on July 14.”


By Ras Matyas

Author and Writer

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