
I-Tal Education for I&I

“Man, after all, is also composed of intellect and soul. Therefore, education in general, and higher education in particular, must aim to provide, beyond the physical, food for the intellect and soul.” #QHS

“What we have seen wherever we went has convinced us that education is as vital as life itself.” #QHS

Education is I-tal like Food, Jah seh.

Similarly, teachers are like farmers or cooks or restaurateurs, producing and elaborating and distributing food.

This food could be pure and healthy, when it is wisely grown without pollution of human ignorance or stupidity, free from pesticides of carnal and personal passions, full of natural truth and without additives of lies;

it could be delicious and tasty, when it is creatively processed and combined with art and skill, spiced with grace and and presented with inspiring and encouraging sense of beauty;

it could be nutritious and energetic, when its mind-soil is fertile and rich of information, watered by living rock-streams of high meditation, warmed by the powerful sun of the African Christ.

Some of them teachers claim to be elder of age and experience and noble in deeds, but their teaching is toxic like fried garbage;

another is monotonous heavy and illegible like a dull inexpressive schlop;

another one is just repeating the same banal rigmarole and rethoric without any actual contribution of usefulness.

Surely, self-help in physical and well spiritual nutrition is the goal, but to reach that stage we generally need the help of our fathers and brethren.

Remember the example of the King: choose the best teachers as the best food for yourself.

(Artworks by Jah Zion)