Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

The Main Ethiopian Title for God – Egziabhier እግዚአብሔር.

Generally, throughout the Ge’ez Bible God is called with His main title of authority: EGZIABHIER እግዚአብሔር.
“Egziabhier” is composed of 7 Letters and 3 Words.
The 7 letters are the 7 spirits of God, as it is written in Revelation (4,5): “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” They are also the seven days of the Creation above which He is Lord.
The 3 Words are the 3 persons of the Trinity:
Egzie እግዚእ —- Lord —- The Son
Ab አብ —- Father —- The Father
Bhier ብሔር —- Province —- The Holy Spirit
Therefore, we have a special extension of the title of “Lord” (Egzie) into “Lord Father of The Province”, i.e. the Supreme Authority over Creation.