More Speeches of Haile Selassie I

At the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) – April 24 1967

At the University of California Los Angeles – April 24 1967

“Mr Chancellor, members of the UCLA Community, honored guests,

It is with great pleasure that we accepted the invitation to participate in the cerimonies of this anniversary of the University of California which next year will be at its 100th.

One of the first words of the Creator was ‘let there be light‘, words on which this very institution is established. It is following this worthy aim that the university has contributed so significantly to the advancement of physical, nuclear and biological science, winning for itself a considerable degree of esteem among the institutions of higher learning.

The foresightedness of this university in concentrating its energies in the study of the developing societies of Africa is among the virtues which have won respect for it as an academic institution. As for Us, it is precisely with this hope that We initiated the Prize Trust named after Us, among the early recipients of which is your own professor Wolf Leslau.

By far the major problem confronting the human race at present is the question of peace and survival: if that problem is dealt with successfully by the present generation, it may be that the future shall have to deal with spreading the benefits of human civilization to the masses.

Long before the term ‘university’ came into usage, it had been the tradition among scholars not only to travel from place to place and acquire knowledge, but also to share that acquisition with their fellow scholars. Here, although it has not been free from moment of controversy, the efforts of the State of California to make higher education universal deserve commendation.

For our own country we recognized as many as 40 years ago, when We assumed the Regency, that the strength of a Nation must lie in the education of its citizens. We saw that a country would be as powerful as its least educated member. Thus, while many were scorning the benefits of modern education, we caused as many schools be opened as our resources would allow, and as many children to attend as their parents would permit. Those who desplayed the desire to learn and whose parents were farsighted enough to let them study, are some in places of authority.

However, no sooner had this gigantic task started that the Second World War brought an apparent end to our endeavors: the schools were closed, the youth either left the country or remained within for patriotic activities, and thus brought upon themselves the wrath of the enemy. The completion of that destructive war brought forth renewed efforts on Our part, and to show to our nation the importance which We attach to education, We assumed the portfolio of Education and acted as the Minister for a number of years. Behold, today the number of schools is beyond count. Many professional schools are established in the nation, and our labour for education has reached a relative apex by the establishment of Our own university.

In Our lifetime we have seen many changes. In 1931, when We first promulgated a written constitution for Ethiopia, many of the nations of Africa were under foreign rule. Today, Africa is free and demanding its rightful place in the community of nations. This and many other changes impress Us, and they cause Us to be thankful, but We do not accept them as the ultimate destiny for Our continent or Our nation. Our defiance of the present as the ultimate destiny for Our content may appear visionary, but no more so than the visions We have lived to see fulfilled. Obviously there are many problems which confront Us in Our task ahead: the forest, water, mineral and other natural resources of Our country need to be extensively exploited, but the present University products are but drop in an ocean. We need many universities in the future.

The place of these universities in young and developing societies is rather unique. A university is not only the instrument by which modern technocrats capable of exploiting the natural resources of a nation are produced. It is also the medium by which the society as a whole is exposed to modern technology and international culture. Universities gave meaning to the past, a purpose for the present, and a goal to the future.

They must not seek acceptability by cloaking themselves in a foreign road: they must rather interpret africanis and build a future society on a present firm foundation. Universities which the above mentioned duties are required, must not only perform the conventional tasks of institutions of higher learning: they must also be able to attract staff, mature and dedicated, capable of solving Africa’s problems in Africa’s own way. Universities must be more than expensive equipment, they must be more than voluminous libraries, they must be more than impressive buildings. They must center around a core of men dedicated to a common cause, the accumulation, dispersion and expansion of human knowledge.

It is precisely in this invaluable treasure that we should like to challenge the University of California. The traditionally generous assistance of the government of the United States to education is known the world over, and we hope it shall continue with larger shares for the developing countries. But universities by themselves can do far more than what they have done in the past. Sabaticals, research leads, research projects, interchange of quality staff, rigorous training of future staff: these and many others are areas in which you could be of assistance to Us.

Some of you students close the first chapter of your life and begin another one. You are now leaving the world of the possible and moving into the world of the probable. To you, let Us leave few words of exhortation. A man comes into the world naked, and he is designed to take away nothing. What makes one famous, or the other notorious, or what makes many mediocre, is what he has done or failed to do during his sojourn. Many of you students have most of your life before you. Will this world have been better because you passed through it ? Will the causes of world peace, of social justice, of human understanding have been served or will they have gone wanting ? It is evident that the world in which you find yourself today is the product of conscientious hard work of your forefathers: they died that you might have life, and pass that life on to your children. Let us hope that you, the students of 1967, shall accept that challenge.

Finally, We wish to thank the people of California, and especially of Los Angeles, for this tumultuous reception during Our private visit. We trust that you also shall someday visit Ethiopia. Long live Ethio-American friendship.” #QHS

Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Dr. E. C. Pearce, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University – 1924

Cambridge, UK, 18th July 1924

“Your Highness! As we have heard of your initiative and perseverance in leading your country Ethiopia in wisdom and knowledge, we bestow upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Law.”


“Your Highness!

The poet Homer says the Ethiopians are blameless. Herodotus says the Ethiopians are longlived because they do not drink wine at all.

It is a fact that the Ethiopians refused to pay tribute to Cambyses and to the Persian kings. Subsequently, they turned back victoriously all who came to take their country by force. Who does not know that the Queen of Sheba, having heard of Solomon’s fame, came by camel bearing spices, gold, and gems to try the king with riddles? Who does not know that she returned to her country to be the mother of all the kings? Who does not remember, as the centuries unfolded, their descent from David? Who does not know of their being of the family of Queen Candace? All this proves the establishment of their Christianity over the whole of Ethiopia and their possession of an ancient faith over a long history.

A man who had studied at Christ’s College in Cambridge University has, in recent years, revealed to the English people the literature and law books of Ethiopia.

Today there is amongst us Tafari Makonnen, Ethiopia’s Crown Prince. He follows in the footsteps of his ancestors and possesses knowledge exceeding that of orientals and Egyptians. He explores ancient and modern knowledge. He has studied all the ancient Christian traditions. He endeavours to acquire modern science. H.H. Tafari Makonnen is the first Ethiopian Crown Prince who has gone up in an aeroplane.

He has caused the books of John Chrysostom and of Mar Yeshaq to be translated from Ge’ez into Amharic and had them printed at his own press. These books can be found in the Cambridge University Library. Furthermore, he has built a school for the children of Ethiopia.

We therefore make known to all of you here Ethiopia’s great Crown Prince and Regent, H.H. Tafari Makonnen, the hope of Ethiopia, who is descended from ancient kings.”


Haile Selassie I - Laws and Government

The Official Logo of Haile Selassie I University in Addis Ababa

The Official Logo of Haile Selassie I University.
“YeQedamawi Hayle Sellasie Yuniversti”
This is the first original name of that Institution, that was changed after the comunist rebellion and turned by the following governments into the modern day “Addis Ababa University”.
Indeed, His Majesty was the first to introduce the academic level of education in Ethiopia – the third educational stage – although He has never personally attended any course of that kind. Nevertheless, He was the Chancellor and spiritual guide of the University until 1975, earning a guinness score of honoris causa degrees from all the most important universities of the world, from all the continents of the earth and in all the main subjects of study. He said about:
“With the help of the Almighty Who guides the destiny of mankind, the educational system has moved from the elementary level through the secondary and has now reached higher education given in our colleges.” (Speeches on Various Occasions, p. 11)
On both sides, Star of David (Mosaic Law – Elementary) and Cross (Christianity – Secondary) are the Cultural Foundation for this modern-time Rasta knowledge, the Fruit that is linked with the Roots through the Trunk in perfect troditional continuity. In fact, as His Majesty has said:
“Nor can we ignore the importance of the spiritual in this academic life. Learning and technical training must be nurtured by faith in God, reverence for the human soul, and respect for the reasoning mind. There is no safer anchorage for our learning, our lives, and our public actions than that provided by Divine teachings coupled with the best in human understanding. Leadership developed here should be guided by the fundamental values and the moral power which have for centuries constituted the essence of our religious teachings.” (Selected Speeches p.22)
On the background, the Gennete Leul Palace, the building that the King has inherited from His Father Ras Makonnen, and that has been His personal residence until 1955, when He moved to the “Jubilee Palace“, built on occasion of the 25th year of His Kingdom.
In 1961, the date written in the logo both in ethiopic and western numbers, He has given His Own Family House to the people as a free gift, so that it could guest the headquarters of the University. A shining example of generosity and devotion to the welfare of the nation, reminding that knowledge is not an end in itself, but a principle that should make flesh and be translated in actual service for humanity. His Majesty said about:
“….In the field of education, We take great pleasure in the fact that the opening of Ethiopia’s first University is near at hand. Henceforth, students who have demonstrated their capacity and ability will no longer leave their homeland to pursue higher education. The University’s faculty is being recruited and its physical plant is being established. We Ourself have presented Our Guennete Leul Palace and its grounds, inherited from Our beloved father, as a free gift to the nation, to serve as the nucleus of the University’s physical facilities…” (Selected Speeches p. 1)
2 Torches of Wisdom burning on both the sides, allegory of Ganjah Fyah and powers of mental enlightenment. Fire is the first element that has been created by Egziabhier, the beginning of His creation as it is for human life and creations, the first scientific and technical knowledge of man. It is also associated to the Eye of Mind and His Focus: through it we can understand the past and foresee the future. That’s why the King said:
“…will be able to call for assistance upon the training he has received in this institution, which, like a torch shedding light both forward and behind, will guide him in his work.” (Selected Speeches p. 53)
The motto of the University is written in the central part of the logo. It is a Ge’ez biblical quotation from the Apostle Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, emphasizing the scientific value of Ge’ez and biblical knowledge. It is from Paul, that constitutes the most accultured and theoretically complex speech of the Bible, reflecting the spiritual state of higher education.
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Kw(e)lo Ammek(e)ru WeZeShenay Atz(e)n’u.
“Examine all and hold that which is good.”
The King said to this University:
“Your guide should therefore be the apostolic saying: study and examine all but choose and follow the good. Our forefathers have succeeded in passing down a free and independent people determined to safeguard its liberty by shedding its blood. Ethiopia is the country in Africa which has kept Ge’ez and Amharic with an alphabet of its own.” (Selected Speeches p. 80)
This should be the accepted standard of any form of higher education among I&I.