
Invest in Education Now

Nowadays, the scarce condition of I&I educational system is due to several different factors, and one of them is surely the disproportion of deal between entertainment and education.

We invested in music industry tons of money, attention and support, and we have thousands of artists, sound systems and bands. Myriads of events, festivals, frameworks, structures and superstructures to push and exalt them. To get what ? Nothing actually, for without Education – that is the Root Word – Sound cannot bear actual fruit in Power. Ironically, this is the Tree without Roots that they chant about, and we see that reggae-dub people very often is completely alienated from I&I faith and purposes.

People should learn to spend in their education, as much as they spend in their artistic fun. They should learn to support the educational workers and teachers, and give them space of working expression and economic subsistence. I remind that His Majesty devoted the higher percentage of national budget to financially sustain educational activities. We need books and teachers now to grow, as it was for Imperial Ethiopia, and create a minimum balance of responsibility.

Certain ones claim that teachers are delusional. How much delusional musicians are instead ? Sometimes it seems we have created a privileged caste of richmen that give no contribution to I&I and spread stupidity, indecence and moral confusion. Their environments, without educational basis, become like shameful sodomitic chilling areas with no consciousness at all, and all our resources are wasted in the final instance. We will stop to deceive ourselves with expectations when we will realize they are two essential human jobs and services, that someone has to perform, and earn a living from that, without excesses of esteem and through clear Ethiopian standards.

Let we stop to replace education with music. We need schools and academic workers, and it could never be a concert or a tune to give us that serious learning we need in life. They got another role, another function, another charisma and another talent, and only a handicapped people mix up the two realities without professional discernment.

So let the people start to buy books as they buy vinyls and albums, even at crazy prices; let the people start to pay and respect writers and teachers for their performances, while they worship and idolatrize musicians without reason; let them stop to give educational efforts for granted, like we manage something of second-class, that should be always freely given and got no sacrifice or toil behind.

Indeed, teaching is art and wisdom is worth more than silver and gold. Wake up and give us the Root of Roots.

Haile Selassie I - Life and Works

The 1935 Nobel Prize for Peace

DID YOU KNOW THAT Emperor Haile Selassie I had to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1935 ? Yet, because of the Italian Invasion and the following international crisis, the committee decided to not assign the award and His Majesty didn’t get it.

As it is reported in Chicago Defender Newspaper, November 30 1935:


Emperor Haile Selassie, mentioned prominently a month or two ago for the Nobel Peace Prize, won’t get it. And no one else will get it this year because the committe decided, because of the war raging in Africa and strained tension existing in Anglo-Italian relations in the Mediterranean no one is entitled to it. They also took in consideration the new pupper state nearing establishment in the Far East. The awards were established in 1896 by Alfred Bernhard Nobel, inventor of dynamite and guncotton. It is awarded by a Norvegian assembly committee.



Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

Okemah News Leader (US) – 1954


STILLWATER – His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God, Emperor of Ethiopia, is at once a personification and a contradiction of his titles.

The emperor, who will spend part of two days at Oklahoma A&M college, his only stop on a flight from California to Mexico City, is a descendent of the oldest and longest line of royalty in recorded history.

And, as the reigning monarch of the oldest Christian nation in the world, his gentleness and culture, his consideration for his subjects and his passion for their progress make him appear as heir of all the wisdom and greatness of character, since his line was founded by the union of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba nearly 3,000 years ago.

His stature, delicate features and scholarly manner are a contradiction of the Conquering Lion phrase of the title of the 61-year-old emperor. But, when the occasion requires, he is every inch a king and vigorously asserts his authority or expresses his displeasure.

The Solomonic line was established about 1000 B.C. Haile Selassie is the 225th ruler of the line.”

Okemah News Leader, June 22 1954.

Ethiopian Orthodox Church

The True Date of the Birth of Christ

DID YOU KNOW THAT the year count in the Ethiopian calendar is 7 years lower than the western one (it’s 2016 in Ethiopia now), as it traditionally places Christ’s birth in 7 AD?

It is well-known that the European date of the birth of Christ, in the so-called year 0, is historically incorrect, in clear continuity with the project of general falsification of Christmas that we witness in the West. It’s interesting to note that even the late Catholic Pope Ratzinger, in his volume “The Childhood of Jesus”, literally admitted that:

the beginning of our calculation of time – the determination of the birth of Jesus – dates back to the monk Dionysius Exiguus (died around 550), who in his calculations was evidently wrong by a few years… “. And this mistake, according to Pope Ratzinger, should be of “six or seven years“.

Regardless of all the possible speculations regarding the Gospel and its historical credibility, Scripture actually provides us with very precise historical references to locate evidence and witnesses of the told events. And in the case of Christ’s birth, the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, says clearly that:

“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.”

The presence of the Holy Family in Bethlehem is determined by the census of Cyrenius (also said Quirinius), which is historically well documented and indisputably placed in the 6 AD Western Calendar.

Italo-Ethiopian War

Fascist Crimes in Ethiopia – Radio Broadcast / February 2024

Fascist Crimes in Ethiopia – Radio Broadcast – Stereochemist hosts Matyas Tekle Selassie on REAL ROOTS RADIO
Spiritual and historical dialogue concerning the colonial invasion of Ethiopia by the Italian troops of Mussolini; the fascist atrocities during the 5 years of occupation and resistance; the liberation of Ethiopia and the forgiveness given to the aggressors; the shining human and political example of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I.
February 2024
Art by Matteo De Domenico aka Ras Dedo


Haile Selassie I - Anecdotes

The Request of Ras Asserate (1972)

“In the summer of 1972, festivities were held to mark the emperor’s eightieth birthday. My father told me that he and my mother went to the palace first thing in the morning to offer their congratulations. Haile Selassie received them in the drawing room that adjoined his bedroom. For his birthday present, Ras Asserate gave His Majesty a bespoke leather travel writing case specially designed by Algernon Asprey in London, which the emperor was evidently delighted with. Then my father suddenly fell at the emperor’s feet. Alarmed, Haile Selassie asked him: ‘What on earth has happened?’ The prince replied:

‘Your Majesty! In the name of my father, your loyal friend and servant Ras Kassa, I beseech you to grant me one great favour. Today is the day when Your Majesty has it in his power to give Ethiopia its greatest gift ever. When you go before the Ethiopian people presently to address them, please say this to vour subjects: <<My beloved people of Ethiopia. I have served you for almost sixty years. Now the time has come for me to retire and hand the reins of power to a new generation. Here is my son, into whose care I commend you. Serve him as faithfully as you have served me and be as loyal to him as you have been to your Emperor during all these years.>> If you do this, I guarantee that you will go down in history as the greatest emperor.’

The emperor was visibly moved and said nothing for a while. Then he told my father to get up and answered him: ‘Tell me, did King David abdicate? Or can you think of any other Ethiopian ruler who has done so? We shall reign as long as the Almighty allows Us to. And when the time has come for Us to depart, He will know what is best for Ethiopia’.

(Taken from “King of Kings”, Asfa-Wossen Asserate, Haus Publishing, 2015 p. 275)

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

The Testimony of Aleqa Desta Tekle Weld

ዘንሙ ፡ ዝናማት ፡ ፊደላተ ፡ ሮማይስጥ ፤ ወመጽኡ ፡ ወሓይዝት ፡ ትምህርታት ፡ ካልኣን ፤ ወነፍኁ ፡ ነፋሳት ፡ ልሳናተ ፡ አፍኣ ፤ ወገፍዕዎ ፡ ለውእቱ ፡ ቤት ፡ ልሳን ፡ ግእዝ ፡ ወዐምሐራ ፤ ወኢወድቀ ፤ እስመ ፡ ዲበ ፡ ኰኵሕ ፡ ኀይለ ፡ ሥላሴ ፡ ተመሥረተ ።

Zenmu Z(e)nnamat Fidelate Romaystt ; WeMetzu WeHayzt T(e)mhrtat Kalan ; WeNeffhu Nefasat Lesanate Affa ; WeGef'(e)wo LeW(e)tu Biet L(e)san G(e)(e)z WeA’mhara ; Weiwed(e)q ; (E)sme Dibe Kwekw(e)h Hayle Selassie Temesrete ::

Rains rained of roman alphabets; and flowings came, other teachings; and the winds of the tongues of outside blowed; and they oppressed this house of the tongue of Geez and Amhara; and it didn’t fall; because upon the rock, Hayle Sellasie, it was founded.

Taken from ዐዲስ፡ያማርኛ፡መዝገበ፡ቃላት። / Addis Yamaregna Mezgebe Qalat (New Amharic Dictionary), by አለቃ፡ደስታ፡ተክለ፡ወልድ። / Aleqa Desta Tekle Weld, 1962 E.C., pag. በ (2nd)

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

Why Learn Ge’ez (Ancient Ethiopic Language) ?

WHY LEARN GE’EZ (Ancient Ethiopic) ?

– Because it is the oldest human language, as old as homo sapiens who comes from Ethiopia. It therefore preserves the words and experiences of our ancestral fathers and allows us to reconnect to the deepest roots of human history.

– Because it is not a human and conventional language, but a divine and natural one, with which God created all things in the beginning and which he taught to Adam. The words of Ge’ez are onomatopoeic and pictographic evocations of real things, and through them we can acquire wonderful logical and natural knowledge.

– Because the Ge’ez Bible is the oldest and most complete text available to us, and by studying that it is possible to remove all the veils of mystification and manipulation that have been placed over it by Romanized Judaism and Christianity.

– Because it is built according to a gematric and kabbalistic system that is much more orderly and coherent than the commonly known Jewish one: it is the code that allows us to interpret and decipher created reality, and the “genome” of God that enables us to know its Mind and Essence.

– Because it is in itself a humanly inexplicable prophetic miracle, which gives solidity and strength to the student’s faith and nourishes his spiritual life with conviction.

– Because it is the original language of God, and the privileged communication channel to invoke Him and adore Him, and also to interact with the forces of nature that were created according to its arcana.


Ethiopia in the Bible


The book of Job was the second Holy scripture given to humanity, after the book of Enoch, and before the Law of Moses. Job was son of Esaw brother of Jacob, and he is the only writing prophet of Old that didn’t come from Jacob/Israel (without counting Enoch, of course).

In chapter 28 he prophetically speaks of the “Original Place of Wisdom”:

“But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me. It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies. The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?”

As you can notice, in the quest for the original wisdom – like the search for our lost paradise – the prophet quotes only 2 countries: Ophir and Ethiopia. As we know from the I book of Kings 10,10-11:

“The queen of Sheba gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon. And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold from OPHIR, brought in from OPHIR great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones.”

Ophir was an ethiopian territory with golden mines, and also David prophetically speaks about Makeda saying:

“upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir”. (Psalm 45,9)

In this way, the prophet exalts the preciousness and wealth of the Ethiopian Motherland as supreme upon earth, and discreetly suggests the answer to his doubt. Wisdom came from the place where Adam lived in the beginning, where he met Egziabhier and was instructed by Him.

“The place whence wisdom cometh” means also the land whence Christ comes.

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries


The name “Babylon”, we biblically use to identify the kingdom of the wicked enemy (as even His Majesty did in His speech at the World Congress on Evangelism, Berlin 1966), originated with the imperialism of the Ethiopian giant Nimrod (“Nubièrd” in Ethiopic, like Nubia), that after the deluge of water gained power over the earth, and built an enormous tower in the land of Sennar. At that time:

“The whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.”
(Genesis 11, 1)

The only existing language was that of Adam, which God Himself had taught speaking with him. That language was Ethiopian like Adam the first man and like the same Image of God. And even like the ruler of that time, Nimrod.

It was the language Jah had used to create everything. It was a powerful logic and scientific tool, and exploiting that power, men started to build a “skyscraper”, as phisiognomy of any human imperialism and its wicked desire to invade the heavens of God. This tale biblically attests the existence of an advanced technological civilization at the most ancient times of human history, what you find in the Greek myth of “Atlantis”, and we know that Atlas was considered an Ethiopian by the Greek. It also shows that we can develop the most advanced technology from that original language.

Babièl ባቤል, as it is originally named in the Book of the Jubilees, or Babilòn ባቢሎን, as it was named after, with the development of the Babilonian empire from that very heritage, is a name of curse given by Jah, that destroyed the tower and confused the language of men, creating all the tongues we manage today in the world, latin english included. In that way He deprived those people of their power, which resided in their pure language.

“Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” (Genesis 11, 9)

Under this spell of confusion, in english we now call the Word of God “Bible”, evoking the same root of “Babel”, as far as we deal with corrupted biblical translations of pagan tongues, and the roman falsification of the apostolic faith. Linguistic corruption has produced remarkable damages against the clearness of thinking and understanding, especially about spiritual matters. Using the alphabeths and way of talking of oppressive civilizations without God, like the Latin Romans killers of Christ, we are bound to be corrupted in our mindset by their linguistic system of sin.

But the messianic promise of Christ is to restore that original condition of perfection we enjoyed in the Ethiopian Paradise, including the linguistic grace of the original Word:

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.” (Zepheniah 3, 9-10).

Through the Ethiopian language the King Haile Selassie I is bringing to us, we can now clean up our logic system and gain clear knowledge of the Scriptures, that have been originally thought and written through that System and Covenant that only Ethiopia keeps. You can see that even the so called “Jews” cannot explain many biblical things at a linguistic level, and their culture has evidently altered or lost much of its original heritage. In fact, only through Ethiopic we can fully understand the meaning of this name BABILON, according to the guidelines of the Scripture.

Firstly, Babièl/Babilòn is naturally linked to the ethiopian verb Behale/Bale ብሀለ/ባለ, “to say”, as we have “Bel” በል in imperative form (“Say!”), or Yb(e)l ይብል (“He says”), or Yb(e)lo ይብሎ (“He says to him”). This is also the linguistic root of the onomatopeic “bla bla” we commonly use to describe talking.

Therefore, in the word “Babiel” the verb “to say” is altered by an initial repetition of mistake, like a “BABBLE” of corruption. This word “babble” is a memory of that experience, like the same latin sign “B”, that is graphically produced by the doubling of the ethiopian Be በ. This double sign also recalls the final part of the ethiopian verb “Nebbebe” ነበበ , “to reason”, or “Tt(e)bbeb” ጥበብ “wisdom”, like a confusion between thinking and speaking.

We can decompose the logic factors of the word, and analyze it better: Two “Biet” በ (Babi-) mean “house/building/elaboration” ; “Lamied” ለ (-lo-) means “high” ; “Non” ነ (-n) means “judgment”. It is the high house without foundation built on the sands, the Lord Iyesus Krestos told about, that fell down when the rain came.

The overall gematric value of the word is 84, i.e. it is related to Fie (ፈ) as a concept of flight and going out: “Felsete Babilòn” is the Exile of Babylon.

We can also use the shape of the letters (ባቢሎን) to create an ideogram of the concept, and the attached picture is our interpretation of this mystery (Ra-Eye Artwork). Few years after the publishing of this work inside our printed magazine “Mist”, we have seen a similar scene in the Vatican, on the day of Ratzinger’s resignation, that we post in the comments, as it can deepen the meditation.