Prague, July 15 1959
“The Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague being aware, noble Emperor, of the fact that you waged courageous and persevering struggle for the defence of your country and its liberation from foreign aggressors and that you have always been a vigilant guardian of its independence,
that you as an outstanding expert on politics and law, have accomplished a great and durable work of a reformer and builder of your country for the benefit of its people,
that you have untiringly worked for the preservation of international peace and understanding and for the promotion of independence and equality of all nations thereby deserving eminently the welfare of mankind, has unanimously decided to confer on you the honorary degree of the Doctor of Law.
After this decision of our Faculty had been approved by the Scientific Council of the Charles University and confirmed by the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic, we requested you, noble Emperor, to accept in this Assembly the highest honour which this University can bestow on you.
To follow an ancient custom you have first to make a solemn pledge.
Therefore, you will pledge:
First, that you will always keep this University where you are receiving the highest degree in Law, in good memory and that you will always give assistance to it by all your power, advice and help.
Second, that you will continue to devote yourself to science as you have done so far in order that truth be spread all over and that its light which preserves the welfare of mankind may radiate in the world.
Do you pledge so from the bottom of your heart ?
The conferee: – I do (Spondeo ac polliceor).“