Haile Selassie I - Prophecy

He Gives Back The Original Language Spoken Before Babylon Tower

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.”

Zephaniah 3, 9-10


Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

Our On-Line Lessons of Ge’ez (Ancient Ethiopic)

Learn Ge’ez with our On-Line Course, as many other brethren and sistren have done with profit.
Individual Lessons available during all the days of the week except Sabbath, we can schedule the hour according to your needs.
I will provide recapitulatory notes and schemes for each lesson in .pdf format.
To learn this language means much more than facing a grammatical study. It means to know the deepest mysteries of the Word as martial art, technic discipline and mystic practice; to philologically interpret the development of all human languages, originated from One common Ge’ez Arketype; to ovastand the concepts in immediate and onomatopoeic way; to take natural knowledge from ancestral words that are creationally reflected in nature.
If you are interested, write us:

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

Meaning of “Ge’ez” ግእዝ

Ge’ez ግእዝ (or ግዕዝ) G(e)(e)z means 4 things:

1) First. In fact, the first vowel is called “Ge’ez“, like a first language, i.e. the language that God used to create the world and to speak with Adam in the beginning. It is the Language of Time (“Gizie”), the most ancient one, eternally existing through the ages.

Ge’ez” order is also consider the natural and simple state of a letter. It means that Ge’ez is the original natural Pure Language, coming from the mouth of the Creator, that created us through these same names, without any human superstructure.

Ge’ez is also the first style of traditional chant, together with “Ezil” and “Araray“, and represents the Father.

2) Free. For it is the tongue of the always free Ethiopian people (“Agezan”), and it is free from Babilon pollution, confusion and curse. Tongue of the Lord (“Egzie”) in full sovereignty and power over Creation.

We say that Christ liberated Adam: “Ageezo le Adam“, as He also taught him to speak in the beginning, and loose his tongue and mind.

3) Conscience or Spiritual Essence. For we have been created through this language, 22 basic chromosoms like 22 basic letters, our DNA is written in this code, and our soul naturally speaks Ge’ez (Voice of Coscience), and recognizes it as the pure creational language of its core.

4) Ethiopia herself, as it is traditionally called in the Holy Books “Bhiere Ge’ez“, the Province of Ge’ez.