Spiritual Poetry

Education is the Key

“The key for the betterment and completeness of modern living is education.”
(Selected Speeches p. 34)
“Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.”
(Luke 11, 52)
Look a key
how much precise
technically fits
the hole
and gears rotate,
measure the lock
solve the problem
to open the port
expand the frontier
of my liberty place,
or keep it closed
and safe
science of mind
gives force
to my hand of right
the space,
and patronize
width and length
I owe
I shall enter
the room
a globe
of complete size,
while fool
is still knocking
in vain
cannot born
on the other side.
Haile Selassie I - Teachings

Fear Egziabhier only

‘Ethiopia is not afraid of Italy. We are not looking for war, but if Italy invades our country, we are willing to die to the last man’.
Thus did Emperor Haile Selassie, ruler of the only absolute monarchy in the world today, and a descendant of King Solomon, answer Mussolini’s ultimatum.
Following this declaration, the Emperor instructed his envoy at Rome, Negradas Yesus, to say that Ethiopia would not pay one cent of the $44.900 indemnity demanded by Italy for the death of Italian colonials, nor meet the harsh demands of Italy.”
Haile Selassie I - Testimonies

The Kansak City Star, January 13 1963

The first faint stirrings of modern democracy are coming to Ethiopia. In the strange highlands of the African horn, it is no longer quite true to call his imperial majesty Haile Selassie I one of the last of the absolute monarchs.
The constitutional government he created in name 32 years ago is emerging at last as an infant fact. Recently the Ethiopian lower house of 251 members debated for two days a change in the penal code. The soil is fertile, its tradition proud, its people quick and its climate fine. Sitting on a plateau 8,000 feet above the torrid Red sea coast, Addis lives in continual springtime. (…)
Faced with these handicaps, the emperor in years past has run Ethiopia alone. He has worked day and night, looking personally into almost every plan and contract, appointing the most minor officials, receiving humble petitioners. (…)
Whatever happens, even the restless young men of Addis admit that Haile Selassie I, the king of kings, the conquering lion of Judah, by a superb personal effort has pulled his country into the modern age. There could hardly be another like him.
Haile Selassie I - Laws and Government

The Seal of the Ethiopian Ministry of Education

The Seal of the Imperial Ministry of Education of Haile Selassie I.
The Torch of Knowledge Enlightenment: fire was the first element created, beginning of the creation of Egziabhier, and similarly, control over fire is the first scientific and technological resource of man in his own creations.
Around the Torch, here the word of the Gospel in Ge’ez, an adaption from John 8,22:
A(e)m(e)r(e)wa WeAtz(e)n’(e)wa le T(e)beb WeT(e)bebni Tag(e)(e)’zek(e)mu ::
Know and Retain Wisdom and Wisdom also will free you.
The word “Tageezekemu” (will free you) has the same root of the word “Ge’ez“, as the language which is “free” from Babylon curse.
Haile Selassie I - Teachings

To Die in Freedom

“BeBar(e)net KeMennor BeNetzanet Memot Yshalal”
“To die in freedom is better than living in slavery.”

BeBerennet / In Slavery
KeMennor / than living
BeNetzanet / In Freedom
Memot / To die
Yshalal / It’s better

Spiritual Poetry

Haffi Dreadful to Be Rasta

means Terrible
haffi Dreadful
to be Rasta
it’s a pilaster
weak heart
shall not prosper
heathen nah like
His Name
as a monster
for slave master
We don’t fear
human figure
reflect the terror
for the Pastor
in dem minds
smell of disaster
black star.

Ge'ez ግእዝ Mysteries

The First Element Created – Fire እሳት

Ethiopian Tradition, especially in certain ge’ez books like Sene Fetret and Aximaros, explain us that in the beginning, Egziabhier created before any other thing the 4 elements, by which He would constitute the substance of all His creatures. The are likened to the 4 directions and the first four letters of Ge’ez Alphabet, composing the word “A-BU-GI-DA”. The A-B-C-D we could say, the basic compass of Creation.
Hold on the Torch of Wisdom, His Majesty speaks about. The first creational element, for God as for man, is Fire, what we call in Holy Language (E)ssat እሳት. To create and produce anything, we firstly need a Fire to warm and protect, to cook food as to alterate, mould and manipulate matter. Similarly, the fire of the Sun is the primary energetic source of our life, and that’s why it was worshiped in ancient paganism. In Nyabinghi ritual, we call the central holy fire Fyah-Key, to express that same mystery.
The primacy of fire is manifested by the first letter of its word, that is an Alief እ (E), the first letter of Abughida Alphabeth, whose meaning is 1, and representing the I of God, and the same human image that was shaped in His Likeness. Jah revealed Himself in flames of fire into the eyes of Moses (Exodus 3) and within the fire we can sight the image of God and man. The fire represents the predominant power of the Coscience of God that thought and created all things. That’s why humans are called B(e)(e)si/B(e)(e)sit ብእሲ/ብእሲት Man/Woman from the same root of (E)ssat እሳት, for among the earthly creatures, humans are the only one to have a conscious spirit made of fire, in the image of God.
The second letter of the word is Son ሳ “Sa”, depicted like a candle, meaning physical sound of exalation of fire, its gas-like untangible nature, the burning incense of the temple to glorify God.
The third and last letter of the word is Taw ት “T”, depicted like a cross, meaning the burned wooden substance and its passivity, and spelling the natural crackle of fire.
The ge’ez number for 1 ፩ is basically a flame of fire, geometrically conceived as the idea of center.
The abode of God, the seventh heaven, the so-called Aryam, is made of Fire. Together with “Wind”, it is the main element of the heavenly things, including angels and human spirits. That’s why both Fire and Wind naturally go upward.
Fire is untangible like wind, but differently from wind, it is also visible. So, being untangible but visible, it also reveals its unique power of mediation between the worlds as between the elements. Similarly, it produces carbonized black substance while generating light.
Fire is generally associated to color red/black, that is also the first color, the beginning of the natural spectrum of light.
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end, so everything comes to being from fire, and everything shall be destroyed in the end by a judgement of fire.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Abune Yesehaq about the Title of “Light of the World”

“Haile Selassie I was the first Ethiopian king known as Light of the World – in fact, Rastafarians note very carefully that the title belongs to Christ and therefore justifies their argument regarding who the returned Messiah is.”
– Abuna Yesehaq, The Ethiopian Tewahedo Church: An Integrally African Church, page 220.
I&I Rasta

Remember the Ethiopian Martyrs

Peter Tosh: “Serious t’ing. Well I got a book the other day, is called ‘History of the Italian Massacres’ something like that, in Ethiopia. I learn that, when I read that book it brings tears to my eyes.”
Interviewer: “Is that Menelek? Or Selassie?”
Peter Tosh: “Selassie I.”
Interviewer: “So it’s the 30’s.”
Peter Tosh: “Yes mon, ’34-’37, around in there. Terrible, terrible. Any man was found with the picture of His Imperial Majesty, head off! Any you can see soldiers, Italian soldiers, and all different kind of soldiers with the head of Rasta in their hands, boasting, posing – send heads, a dozen heads in baskets, to show their family, of the Rastaman’s head. Seen? Plenty people don’t know these things. I see pictures of that.”
Ancient Peter Tosh,
Interview with R.Steffens and H.Holmes, 1980
Haile Selassie I - Life and Works

From the Official Introduction to the Selected Speeches of H.I.M. – 1967

“The history of modern Ethiopia is being compiled by the activities and events that take place each day in the nation’s supreme and sustained drive for progress in all fields. As Head of State, the prime mover and the driving force in this drama, the public utterances of His Imperial Majesty are, in many respects, a mirror of these activities and or the events that determine the course and tempo of Ethiopia’s development.
On the 75th Anniversary of his birth, it seems proper and fitting to record some of the most important of these utterances made on the many occasions that merited public statements from His Majesty the Emperor during his lengthy, brilliant and devoted service to his country and people.
It is impossible to include all of the Emperor’s pronouncements in one volume. It is hoped, however, that through those reproduced herein, the reader will get a fair picture of His Majesty’s thoughts and ideas that have provided the centrifugal force of his thirty-seven years as Head of State and of the preceding years of, his early appearance on the scene as national leader of Ethiopia.
These speeches, some of them excerpted, in the variety of occasions for which they were intended, as well as in the many subjects on which they deal, portray the breadth of the Emperor’s vision. They detail the persistence, the determination and the unflagging drive with which he pursued the application of “modern Ethiopianism” to which history cannot fail to testify.
The Emperor’s idealism, coupled with his insistence on transforming his country, both on the domestic and international fronts, his courage in the face of adversity, his unchallenged perspicacity, his keen sense in evaluating world events, his unfailing respect for principles, and his abiding faith in humanity – aspects of all of which are found in his public utterances – should make this volume a ready-reference to certain phases of the history of modern Ethiopia.
As the central figure in the renaissance of the nation after its five years of trials in the late I930s, His Imperial Majesty’s vital and indispensable leadership has played a distinctive and decisive role. His appearance before the League of Nations and his impassioned plea for justice for Ethiopia and all small nations and for international morality still remain a classic example both of the breadth of his vision and of a profound comprehension of the foibles of international life. Subsequently, despite the failure of the League of Nations to live up to its covenant and the gruelling distress that both the Emperor and his country suffered as a result, Ethiopia, under his leadership, was among the first nations which, at San Francisco in 1945, built the United Nations on the ashes of its predecessor, the defunct League of Nations.
In these pages will be found expressions of the spirit and the faith that animated the Emperor in this lofty role in international politics.
His primary motivation – that of raising the standard of living of the Ethiopian people and restoring the ancient stature and glory of his nation – runs through the theme of the majority of his public utterances. In them can be clearly seen the inseparable impulse of his whole career. This dedication was amply exposed as he spoke to his people and the world in the speeches contained in this book.
Although an ardent reformer, Emperor Haile Selassie is no iconoclast. Thus, he has advanced the policy of ‘modern Ethiopianism’ a philosophy which he has put into practice from the earliest years of his public career. The Emperor, addressing the nation on the 24th Anniversary of Ethiopia’s victory over aggression, said: ‘Ethiopia is an ancient land and her civilization is the result of the harmonious alchemy of the past and the present and upon which we confidently build for the future. This heritage is the bed-rock of modern Ethiopia. In it the people have chosen to distil from the past that which is useful and enduring, to adapt those worth-while attributes of our present-day world and to fashion this modern Ethiopianism – the foundation of our social order that has served so admirably the purpose of the nation’s steady advance’.
An absorbing interest in youth has characterized the Emperor’s entire public career; and is infinitely more than just a formal, enlightened paternalism. It is grounded in the fact, so frequently expressed by him, that his Ethiopia is built around the future. Haile Selassie I will go down in history as a leader whose concern for posterity has been both avid and constant. He has always kept close to the people and in particular to the nation’s youth in whom, as the speeches herein illustrate, he places immeasurable faith and confidence.
His Imperial Majesty’s constructive influence has been particularly effective in Africa’s political emancipation. Recalling the days when Africa was a sea of colonialism to the emergence of the Organization of African Unity, Haile Selassie I has been both a symbol and a pillar of strength to Africa as its people fought progressively for their ultimate liberation from colonialism. Today he still stands four-square behind the cause of the complete freedom of the continent in which Ethiopia is the oldest sovereign state.
His Imperial Majesty’s faith in divine providence is a built-in factor in his personal armory. Institutionally, he is ‘Defender of the Faith’, and history will most certainly assess his era as the one in which the Ethiopian Church succeeded in, winning its independence and autonomy after centuries of tutelage under the Alexandrian Patriachate. In times, good or bad, the Emperor’s abiding faith in the Almighty seems to have been both harbinger and fortress, it being rare for him to make any public utterance without calling on divine guidance and acknowledging publicly his thanks for God’s beneficence.”